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My Story

I was born in South Africa to missionary parents and lived there for 18 years. In 1949 my parents planted churches among Indian sugar cane workers along the coast of KwaZulu Natal. After moving to America, I completed my B.A degree in Psychology and Bible and later went on to earn a master’s degree Biblical Studies and doctorate in Middle East Studies.


While pastoring a local church, I began to travel the world to study the history, culture, geography, and archeology of biblical sites.  These travels greatly enriched my understanding of the scriptures and strengthened my ability to see how to apply the Bible to life today.


In 2003 I began receiving invitations to lead conferences in many countries, particularly in the 1040 window and to the persecuted church. My experiences in ministry now span 70 countries and I have developed teaching materials in multiple languages. After 40 years of pastoral experience, my heart is to empower believers to live the life Jesus modeled.


My wife Margaret and I delight in our five children and thirteen grandchildren. We live on the Elizabeth River where we enjoy sailing together.  

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Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Matthew 4:19 (NKJV)

My Mission

My heart is to create a deeper understanding of the scriptures so that lives are changed. The goal of my teaching is to model for believers how to minister in the five mandates Jesus gave to his followers; to preach the kingdom, heal the sick, cleanse the leper, raise the dead and cast out demons. Having done all five, I now know that Jesus meant what he said, when He invited his followers to do what He did.


Over the years I have created hundreds of messages, seminars, and materials in multiple languages (English, Spanish, Arabic and Farsi). I want to mentor leaders for the church and missions, empowering them to operate in their spiritual gifts and authority.   


Topics I am frequently called upon to teach include:

  1. The Life Jesus Modeled

  2. The Journeys of Paul

  3. Old Testament Survey

  4. Healing, Deliverance and Freedom

  5. Healing in the Letters of Paul

  6. Archaeology of the Bible

  7. Shame, Honor and the Cross

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